Nature General Genomics yields biological and phenotypic insights into bipolar disorder

Genomics yields biological and phenotypic insights into bipolar disorder

Genomics yields biological and phenotypic insights into bipolar disorder post thumbnail image

  • The management group for this paper was led by O.A.A. The management group comprised a subset of authors responsible for the study design, conduct, primary and final interpretation, and included A.M., A.J.F., N.M., A.D.F., R.A.O., H.J.E., K.S.O. and O.A.A; this group was also responsible for primary drafting and editing of the manuscript. The analytical team, led by K.S.O., was responsible for the main analyses presented in the paper, and included M. Koromina, T.v.d.V., T.B., F.S.D., J.M.K.Y., K.-H.L., X.W., J.R.I.C., B.L.M., C.C.M, A.V.R., P.A.L., E. Koch, A. Harder, N.P., J.B. and K.S.O. Imputation, quality control and GWAS were conducted by K.S.O., M. Koromina, B.L.M., K.-H.L., X.W. and J.M.K.Y. Heritability and genetic correlation analyses were performed by K.S.O. MiXeR was done by K.S.O. and A. Shadrin. Polygenic association was conducted by T.v.d.V., T.B., B.L.M. and P.A.L. Gene and gene set analyses were done by K.S.O., C.C.M. and A.V.R. Cell-type-specific analyses were performed by F.S.D. Single-nucleus RNA sequencing enrichment was done by A. Harder and J.H.-L. Fine-mapping was conducted by M. Koromina. Rare variant analyses were performed by C. Liao. QTL integrative analyses were done by M. Koromina, T.B. and F.S.D. Enhancer–promoter interactions were analysed by J.B. Credible gene prioritization was performed by K.S.O. and M. Koromina. Temporal clustering was done by N.P. Drug enrichment was conducted by J.R.I.C. and E. Koch. Clinical assessments were performed by A.A., A.C., A.C.-B., A.D.B., A.D.F., A.E.V., A.H.Y., A. Havdahl, A.M., A.M.M., A. Perry, A. Pfennig, A.R., A. Serretti, A.V., B. Carpiniello, B.E., B.S., B.T.B., C.A.M., C. Lavebratt, C. Loughland, C.N.P., C.O., C.S., D.D., D.H., D.J.M., D. J. Smith, D.M., D.Q., E.C.S., E.E.T., E.J.R., E. Kim, E. Sigurdsson, E.S.G., E. Stordal, E.V., E.Z.R., F. Senner, F.S.G., F. Stein, F. Streit, F.T.F., G.B., G.K., G.M., H.A., H.-J.L., H.M., H.V., H.Y.P., I.D.W., I.J., I.M., I.R.G., J.A.R.-Q., J.B.P., J.B.V., J.G.-P., J. Garnham, J. Grove, J.H., J.I.N., J. L. Kalman, J. L. Kennedy, J.L.S., J. Lawrence, J. Lissowska, J.M.P., J.P.R., J.R.D., J.W.S., K.A., K.D., K.G.-S., K.J.O., L.A.J., L.B., L.F., L. Martinsson, L. Sirignano, L.T., L.Z., M.A., M. Bauer, M. Brum, M. Budde, M.C., M.C.O., M.F., M.G., M.G.-S., M.G.M., M.H.R., M. Haraldsson, M. Hautzinger, M.I., M.J.G., M.J.O., M. Kogevinas, M. Landén, M. Lundberg, M. Manchia, M. Mattheisen, M.P.B., M.P.V., M. Rietschel, M. Tesfaye, M.T.P., M. Tesli, N.A.-R., N.B., N.B.-K., N.C., N.D., N.G.M., N.I., O.A.A., O.B.S., O.K.D., O.M., P. B. Mitchell, P. B. Mortensen, P.C., P.F., P.M.C., R.A., R.B., R.S.K., S.A.K., S. Bengeser, S.K.-S., S.L., S.L.M., S.P., T.G.S., T.H., T.H.H., T.K., T.M.K., T.O., T.S., T.W., T.W.W., U.D., U.H., V.M., W.B., W. Maier and W. Myung. Data processing and analyses were performed by A.C., A.D.B., A.F.P., A. Harder, A.J.F., A.M.D., A. Shadrin, A.V.R., A.X.M., B. Coombes, B.L.M., B.M.-M., B.M.B., B.S.W., C.B.P., C. Cruceanu, C.C.M., C. Chatzinakos, C. Liao, C.M.N., C.S.W., C. Terao, C. Toma, D.A., D.M.H., D.W.M., E.A., E.A.S., E.C.B., E.C.C., E. Koch, E.M., E.S.G., F.D., F.J.M., F.S.D., G.A.R., G.B., G.P., G.T., H.-C.C., H. Stefansson, H. Sung, H.-H.W., I.C., J.B., J.C.-D., J.D.M., J.F., J.F.F., J.G.T., J. Grove, J.H.-L., J.K., J.M.B., J.M.F., J.M.K.Y., J.R.I.C., J.S.J., J.T.R.W., K.K., K.-H.L., K.S.O., L.G.S., L.J., L. Milani, L. Sindermann, M.-C.H., M.I., M.J.C., M. Koromina, M. Leber, M.M.N., M. Mattheisen, M. Ribasés, M. Rivera, M.S.A., M.S., M. Tesfaye, N.B.F., N.I., N.M., N.P., N.W.M., O.B.S., O.F., O.K.D., P.A.H., P.A.L., P.A.T., P.D.S., P.F.S., P.H., P.-H.K., P.M., P.P.Z., P.R., Q.S.L., R.J.S., R.M.M., R.Y., S.A., S. Børte, S. Cichon, S.D., S.D.G., S.E.M., S.H., S.H.W., S.J., S.R., S.-J.T., T.A.G., T.B., T.B.B., T.C., T.D.A., T.E.T., T.F.M.A., T.O., T.S., T.v.d.V., T.W., T.W.M., V.E.-P., W. Myung, X.W. and Y.K. Funding was obtained by A.C., A.D.B., A.H.Y., A.M.M., B.E., B.M.N., B.T.B., C.N.P., C. Pantelis, C.S.W., C. Terao, D. J. Stein, D.M., D.S., E.S.G., F.B., F.J.M., G.A.R., G.B., G.P.P., G.T., H.J.E., I.B.H., I.J., I.M., I.N.F., J.A.K., J.B.P., J.B.V., J.I.N., J.M.B., J.M.F., J.R.D., J.W.S., K.H., L.A., L.A.J., L.B., M.A., M. Boehnke, M.C.O., M.F., M.G.-S., M.H.R., M.I., M.J.G., M.J.O., M. Leboyer, M. Landén, M.M.N., M.N., M. Rietschel, M.S., M.T.P., N.C., N.G.M., N.I., O.A.A., O.M., P.A.T., P. B. Mitchell, P. B. Mortensen, P.P.Z., P.R.S., R.A.O., R.J.S., R.M.M., S.E.M., S.J., S.L., T.B.B., T.G.S., T.O., T.S., T.W., T.W.W., W.H.B. and Y.K. Recruitment and genotyping were performed by A.C., A.D.B., A.D.F., A.E.V., A.H.F., A.J.F., A.M.M., A.M., A.R., A. Serretti, A. Squassina, B. Carpiniello, B.-C.L., B.E., B.M.-M., B.M.N., B.T.B., C.A.M., C.B.P., C. Lochner, C.M.N., C.M.O., C.N.P., C. Pantelis, C. Pisanu, C.S.W., D.C.W., D.D., D.J.K., E.A., E.S.G., E. Stordal, E.V., E.Z.R., F.A.H., F.B., F.J.M., F.M., F.S.G., F. Stein, G.A.R., G.B., G.D.H., G.M., G.P.P., G.T., H.J.E., H. Stefansson, H.-H.W., I.B.H., I.D.W., I.J., J.A.R.-Q., J.B.V., J.H., J.H.K., J.H.-L., J.I.N., J.J.L., J. Lissowska, J.M.B., J.M.F., J.M.P., J.R.D., J.R.K., J.-W.K., J.W.S., J.-A.Z., K.H., K.J.O., K.S., L.A., L.A.J., L.J.S., L. Milani, L.T., M.A., M. Aslan, M.C.O., M.F., M.G., M.G.-S., M.I., M.J.C., M.J.G., M.J.O., M. Leboyer, M. Landén, M.M.N., M. Manchia, M.N., M. Ribasés, M. Rietschel, M.S., M.T.P., N.C., N.G.M., N.I., O.A.A., O.M., P.A.L., P. B. Mitchell, P. B. Mortensen, P.D.H., P.F., P.-H.K., P.R., P.R.S., Q.S.L., R.A., R.A.O., R.S.K., S.A.P., S. Bengesser, S. Cichon, S. Catts, S.E.M., S.L.M., S.R., T.G.S., T.H., T.K., T.S., T.W., T.W.W., U.D., U.S., V.J.C., W.H.B., W. Myung and Y.K.L. Numerous authors beyond the initial writing group contributed to data interpretation and provided edits, comments and suggestions to the paper. All authors reviewed the manuscript critically for important intellectual content and approved the final version of the manuscript for publication. The Chair of the PGC is P.F.S. The Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the PGC is led by O.A.A.

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